A 6 Week Program to Reduce Systemic Inflammation, get Healthier & Lose Weight.

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It's your time...

I see you.

You're amazing at what you do. 

Balancing work, and family life, and aiming to be the best human you can be. 

You're always striving to be better & do better

Yet you often put yourself last.

Now it's your turn. 

I'm here to help you reduce systemic or chronic inflammation in your body. Weight loss (if you have weight to lose) just happens to be a lovely side-effect of eating foods you love, that love you back. 

All done in a supportive group, with motivation and accountability for nutrition, movement and healthy lifestyle changes.


You know you are meant to feel like you did 10 years ago.

You know you have years of life left ahead of you. You want to be well, and healthy, and vibrant, and full of energy. You want to be the best version of you for your family, and children and grandchildren in the years to come.

You know you have it in you to make positive changes for your health, and you are 10/10 committed to this... but you just need some direction and support.

And someone to help you make sense of all the confusion nutrition and diet messages that come at you online.

That's where I come in!

My team and I are here for you.

Inflammation Detox Diet

We kick off with a Welcome Call on July 1st!










Imagine waking up at 6am and NOT needing a coffee.

And you get through that busy afternoon without even thinking of reaching for chocolate.

And you feel so calm and relaxed at night, that you don't need that wine to help you get off to sleep.

And talking about sleep...you are sleeping like a baby again. It feels SOOOooo good!

Plus you need to go shopping as you clothes from last winter are now too lose...you can't keep hitching your trousers up to keep them on!

And the energy. Well that is next level. You can't remember the last time you felt this good!

This is what the Inflammation Detox Diet will give you!

Why me?

Why would you trust me with your health? 

I'm Dr Andrea Robertson, an Osteopath, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Barre & Yoga Teacher, & ex-professional dancer.

I've been in healthcare for over 24 years, and in the past 2 years, have helped over 250 women find their best health via my online programs.

This year my big mission to 500 Healthier Women. Will you be one of them?

Andrea x

What's included:

  • Knowledge, Guidelines & Recipes for following the Inflammation Detox Diet. 
  • For workouts, you choose your goal. Either 3, 4 or 5 workouts per week. 
    • We have 3 workouts per week inside the program - that can be done in your own time, from home, with minimal equipment.
    • Or you can do your own workouts. 
    • Or going for a walk counts too! 
  • We have a recommended podcast to listen to each week when you are going for a walk, that helps get your head in the right place, and helps you to understand why we are doing what we are doing.
  • We have an opening and closing call - live on zoom.
  • We will have an online community of like minded women, all with similar goals, sharing recipes, tips and supporting each other

If you're still on the fence, consider this... 

 This is by far the cheapest group program of this length that I've ever offered. 

I don't want to let finances get in the way of you finding your best health, and living a healthier life for longer. 

And you might be worried that you won't stick to the program, and waste your money. You might. But the community I create will hold your hand. As long as you make the decision to follow every step, you will succeed. 

And you might be thinking "I don't have time for this". I can tell you now, if you have watched Bridgerton (and are planning on watching the next series), you have time for this.

And if you make time for this now, you are way less likely to have time stolen from you later on by having to navigate through illness or sickness. 

If you're ready to lose weight and get back to the best version of you... 

This is the 'Inflammation Detox Diet'.

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