Plan Your Breaks and Indulgences
Aug 19, 2024
Pursuing a goal can feel like riding an emotional rollercoaster.
You’re up, you’re down… you’re flying too fast or you’re climbing up a hill so slowly you feel like you’ll never reach the top.
I have learned to lessen that topsy-turvy nature of a journey by anticipating what’s ahead. If you think about that rollercoaster ride, you probably can predict the thrills awaiting you, right? 🎢
Well, it’s the same thing with the little slips we make in establishing new habits… small decisions we make while telling ourselves they don’t really matter that much… waiting until we’re at a crisis to plan a little indulgence.
Now, part of the thrill of amusement parks comes from surprise and the feeling that you’re out of control.
But if you’re trying to exercise regularly, eat properly, and work toward a goal, you want to lessen some of that thrill. You want to plan more so you can anticipate what you’re going to need, rather than being caught by surprise.
Picture this: You’re on fire with your fitness goals. You’re hitting the gym, meal prepping like a pro, and feeling unstoppable. Then, life happens. You get hit with a killer deadline out at work, or your child gets sick, or there’s a family drama – and you feel yourself slipping back into old habits. Skipping workouts. Grabbing comfort food when you’re not hungry.
Sound familiar? Who’s been there/done that?
We all have! It doesn’t mean you’re weak or undedicated. It means you’re human.
The key is how you handle it.
- Don’t dwell on guilt. Just acknowledge your slip, consider what might’ve led up to it, learn what you can … and get back on track.
- Plan some downtime. We’re always taught to go, go, go. But sometimes, we need to slow, slow, slow down and take a rest. So, plan breaks or treats in advance. Bake them into your agenda. It’s motivating during the tough times to know you have a breather just ahead.
- Get plenty of relaxation. No one has a battery that’s on perma-charge, or a gas tank that’s always full. So, get plenty of sleep, substitute a stroll for a hard workout sometimes, and practice healthy mental habits like mindfulness and active gratitude.
Pace yourself. Enjoy the journey. And be kind to yourself along the way. Your future self is already saying thank you.
This journey might be yours, but you don’t have to always go it alone. I’m here to help in any way possible.