Make the Most of Your Time

Mar 01, 2023


The holidays were JUST HERE – and now it’s already March. How is that possible?

Time goes by so fast sometimes that it’s hard to keep track of it.

But with just a few simple hacks, you can soak up all the best of your life and maximise time for your own purposes. Don’t allow it to just pass you by!

  1. Keep a calendar. Some people think it’s fine to make notes on their phone, but there’s greater effectiveness in keeping a paper calendar and writing on it. That way, you can look at weeks and months in advance more easily than on your phone – and always get a visual reminder that “a couple of months away” really isn’t very far!
  2. Set small goals in pursuit of your bigger aims. If you’re trying to diversity your income, then maybe it would be fun to start with a planning session. If you’re trying to fit revenue goals, then celebrate at appropriate milestones. If you’re trying to save money, then pat yourself on the back when your balance hits certain figures.
  3. Plan fun stuff. It’s important to schedule travel, holidays, parties and other positive events that you can anticipate joyfully. Use time to savour that deliciousness.
  4. Welcome the passage of time. No matter what age you are, it might sometimes feel like life is flying past, and you haven't done everything you want to do yet. You might wish you were 10 years younger. You might even wish you could start some parts of your business decisions over. But you know what? You’ll be so much happier when you EMBRACE the natural order of life. Whatever age you are is infinitely better than anything in the past. BECAUSE IT’S HERE. Right now.
  5. Cherish rituals and holidays. Participate in them. Respect their power.
  6. Do what successful people do. They learn new things. They work with mentors. They read. They eat and exercise right. They cherish time with loved ones.
  7. THEY DO NOT JUDGE THEMSELVES AGAINST OTHERS. And neither should you! Accept setbacks – like staff leaving your business, disappointments or bad news – and be forgiving of yourself. It's all OK, and one day you will see these things lead you to something better. It’s just part of the bigger picture.

So, as we welcome autumn (here in Australia at least), can you maximise your time now to build something new later this year or next? Can you review your business and see where you want to go? Can you start taking steps towards your goals now...even tiny small steps in the right direction?

I hope so. Because you are deserving of the freedom that comes later from making the most of your time now!

Andrea 😊

PS. Enrolments are open for my Business Coaching Program. In 16 weeks I show health and wellness business owners how to stop trading time for money by launching their own profitable online coaching program. Book a complimentary Discovery Call to learn how diversifying online can create the freedom you desire: