How to combat plateaus in your fitness journey
Jul 22, 2024
So, you’ve been crushing your workouts, hitting your macros, and feeling good about your progress – until… until…
Well, until suddenly your progress just stops. Levels off. Stops, you know, progressing.
Well, don’t worry. This is a common phenomenon known as hitting a plateau, where despite sticking to your routines, improvements just aren’t showing up anymore. It happens to the best of us, and guess what? It’s totally normal and a sign that you’ve been really committed.
It could just be your body’s way of saying, “Hey, now… I’m comfy right here.” So, here are some positive steps to get unstuck
- Spice Up Your Goals. If you’re trying to gain muscle or improve your endurance, see how you can perk things up a bit. For instance, sign up for a 5K fun run in a few weeks, or set a goal of reaching a new personal best at a strength training exercise.
- Mix It Up. Your muscles can get bored if you do the same old thing all the time. Try new workouts, adjust the intensity, or join a small group session to help yourself snap out of it.
- How’s your nutrition? Make sure your meals, snacks, and hydration are all on point.
- Journal about it – including facts as well as feels. Journaling about your fitness journey can become a valuable resource at times like this and help you see a) what’s been working and b) where you can make a change.
- Consider hiring a trainer. Even if it’s for a short, defined period or you share her with others in a group, the expertise and attention can be invaluable.
The main thing about busting through plateaus is to keep it all in perspective. As frustrating as they can be, plateaus are natural – and they can be overcome.
You can do it. Let’s go!
Andrea x
P.S. Enrolments are open for my 12 Week Nutrition/Mindset/Movement Program. It is designed to help women over 35 end the cycle of dieting, using a simple science-backed approach to losing weight and keeping it off, so they can fit back into their clothes, feel great and thrive with energy and body confidence. Book a Discovery call with me here: