Are Your Reasons "Can't" or "Won't"?

Aug 09, 2023

Are Your Reasons "Can't" or "Won't"?

Let's take a deep dive into the world of excuses. Umm, sorry, did I say make us all a little more comfortable, let me call them reasons.  

Yep, those little nagging thoughts that hold us back from creating our dream online programs.

We all know them too well - the "I can't" and the "I wan't to, but...". Even the 'I shoulds".

Instead of excuses, let's turn these "reason" into opportunities!

🌟 "I Can't" - The Limiting Belief 🌟

Let's talk about the infamous "I can't." This excuse is sneaky because it disguises itself as a limitation we can't control. It's the comfort zone calling us to stay put and avoid taking risks. But guess what? Most of the time, "I can't" is just a clever camouflage for "I won't." Deep down, we know we're capable, but we let our insecurities take the wheel.

🚫 "I Won't" - The Self-Imposed Barrier 🚫

Next time your hear yourself say "I can't", replace that with the phrase " I won't". Then see how that feels..

"I can't start an online business, I don't have enough time". Vs "I won't start an online business, I don't have enough time".

"I can't start an online business, I don't know where to start". Vs "I won't start an online business, I don't know where to start".

"I can't start an online business, I'm not good on social media". Vs "I won't start an online business, I'm not good on social media".

How does that feel?

"I can't" feels like it's impossible for you to do. It's out of your control. When you reframe "I can't" to "I won't", you can see that you are choosing NOT to do something you say you are wanting to do.

It's like slamming the door shut on our dreams before we even give them a chance to flourish. It's a choice we make out of fear, doubt, or sometimes just sheer laziness. We convince ourselves that success is reserved for others, not for us. But here's the thing, you are more than capable of creating a profitable and amazing online program!

So stop saying "I can't", hear yourself say "I won't" instead, and then make a choice... Is this dream for time/location/financial freedom something you really want?

It's your decision.

Instead of "I won't"...change to "I will".

"I will start an online business, I don't have enough time... and I can change my schedule to free up 1/2 day per week to work on it"

"I will start an online business, I don't know where to start... and I will work with a coach who has knowledge & experience in my field and can help".

"I will start an online business, I'm not good on social media... and I can learn the skills that are required".

Once you recognise that you can change your perspective, the excuses start to fade away.

So, dear health/wellness/fitness friends, banish those excuses, take that leap of faith, and let your passion for helping others lead the way. Your successful online coaching program awaits!

Remember, I'm here cheering you on every step of the way. To book a Discovery Call to chat about how I can help you create your own profitable online coaching program - click here:

Andrea 😊