Don't let Tech Overwhelm STOP You!

Oct 05, 2023

Are you overwhelmed by the technical aspects of setting up an online business?

You're not alone! Many amazing health practitioners and coaches like you face this challenge. Most of them let overwhelm this lead to inaction. Therefore, they stay the same...working 5 days a time for money.

But here's the good news - there's a solution! And the fact that you are here, reading this email, shows me you want something different for your future!

Imagine launching your own profitable online coaching program without the overwhelm. Picture yourself creating time, location, and financial freedom... all while helping more people live healthier, happier lives. 

Here are five tips to help health practitioners and coaches overcome the overwhelm when setting up an online business:

  1. Break It Down Into Smaller Steps: Divide the process of setting up your online platform into smaller, manageable tasks. Create a step-by-step checklist or roadmap. Tackle one task at a time!

  2. Educate Yourself Gradually: Take your time to learn the necessary technical skills. Start with the basics... such as building a landing page, email marketing, or social media content creation.

  3. Delegate or Outsource: If certain tech tasks are outside your expertise (or consume too much of your time)... consider outsourcing or delegating them. Hire experts or virtual assistants to handle social media, graphic design, or other tech aspects.

  4. Seek Support: Look for a coach to help. Find someone who has gone through similar challenges and is successfully doing what you want to be doing. Asking for advice can provide valuable insights and emotional support.

  5. Stay Organized and Use Tools: Keep your digital assets organized, such as files, content, and marketing materials. Use project management tools like Monday, Trello or Asana to track your progress and deadlines. Automation tools can also simplify tasks like email marketing and social media scheduling. Consider Flodesk or Planoly.

Remember, feeling overwhelmed is common. Especially when venturing into the online world for the first time. It takes a willingness to learn, and determination to take action... if you have this, you can build the tech skills and confidence needed to successfully launch your online coaching program.

Ready to overcome overwhelm and turn your passion into profit?

Join my group coaching program. I'll provide you with everything you need to know... for attracting clients, converting leads into sales, and delivering life-changing transformations. Book a time to chat here:

Andrea :)