Successful or Not?

Oct 19, 2023

In a world fixated on extremes—best or worst, first or last, successful or not —it's easy to succumb to the pressure of instant greatness. The prevailing narrative suggests that if you can't be the best from the start, why bother making any effort? If you can't have a successful coaching program tomorrow, or even next month, why bother right? 

But hold on a moment. While I might be exaggerating a bit to drive home a point, it's a point worth considering. In our "be the best" culture, the pursuit of excellence can become frustrating when immediate superiority seems elusive. 

I experienced this first hand last week when I was learning to scuba dive. Like those learning the skills to take their expertise online, scuba was a brand new skill that I had never done before. 

All was going well until my first ocean dive, when I struggled to equalize my ears going down. The others in my group were down about 5 metres below me waiting, waiting, waiting. It took me about 10 minutes of going up a bit, trying to equalize, going down a bit, having ear pain…then repeating...before it finally worked, and I was able to descend enough to meet the others.  

That night I was frustrated…. I wasn’t sure if scuba diving was for me. Yet, I know that a new skill is always hard the first time you try. It’s the same for business or creating an online program. The tech feels hard when you first start. The sales and marketing feel hard when you first start. It can be frustrating.  

Yet, this frustration often becomes an excuse to quit prematurely, or not even start —whether it's wanting to learn a new skill or creating a whole new side to your business with an online program. The temptation to throw in the towel with a resigned, "Well, forget it, then," is all too familiar. 

Does this sound like a familiar struggle? 

Let's break free from the all-or-nothing mindset. It's fantastic to strive for excellence and set high standards, but not when it leads to a binary view of success or failure. 

What if, instead, we collectively agreed to do our best today and not fixate on where we stand in the grand scheme of things? We all have to start somewhere.  

No more first or last—let's all win together.  

The crucial thing is to get started and keep moving forward. This philosophy is at the core of my 4 month business coaching program to help health practitioners and coaches stop trading time for money by creating and launching a successful online program. We go over everything you need to know, step by step. 

Curious to learn more? Book a Discovery call with me: BOOK HERE

Here's to embracing getting starting and keeping making progress,

Andrea 😊