Have you given yourself permission to be successful?

Apr 24, 2024

Have you ever thought you're not young enough, or too old, or look too tired to be wealthy and successful with your business?

Or you're too fat, or not pretty enough, or not thin enough, or too thin, to be successful?

Or you're not experienced enough?

Or you don't have enough education?

Or your not credible enough?

You're just not enough!!!!

Have you ever had those thoughts?

Me too.

I usually think "I've left it too late", or "I'm too old", or "I'll never stand out amongst the noise online".

Those are my false beliefs.

The thing is, I recognise them as false beliefs. And even though they are thoughts I have, I've done the work to identify them as false, and so I don't listen to them, and I don't let them stop me.

It's the same for you.

If you ever have "I'm not enough" thoughts, they are not the truth.

What is true, is that they are just thoughts. And you can choose to let them derail you, or stop you, or slow down your success...

Or you can choose to identify them as just thoughts, acknowledge they are just that, thoughts only...and choose to CHANGE your thoughts.

Because, if you change your thoughts, you change your feelings, you change your body's physiology, you change your actions...and then your actions change your results.

So ask yourself instead... "Why not me?"

Why not me in terms of gaining a new client today?

Why not me in terms of making a $2K sale today?

Why not me in terms of diversifying my expertise into the online space?

Why not me to generate over $100K from my online business?

Why not me to make $500K this year!

And if any unhelpful thoughts come up...or more "I'm not enough" thoughts come into your head...ask yourself...

Is this true, or is it a story I'm making up?

Am I willing to choose myself, and what I want, anyway?

Am I going to do this one day? If yes, why wait!

I'd love to know what comes up for you from reading this?

Andrea x

PS. Overcoming limiting beliefs is just one of the mindset blocks we cover inside of my BUILD & SCALE programs...

BUILD is a 16 week coaching program for Practitioners & Coaches to BUILD a successful online business, make a bigger impact, and leave their legacy.

SCALE is a 16 Week Program for Practitioners & Coaches who are heading to $6figures and beyond with an online business

If you're wanting to start your online business, or scale your current one up, let's chat. Here is a link to my calendar so you can book in a time for a free 20-30 minute Discovery Call:  www.andrearobertson.health/wcs